This lady is Penny Myers and she creates these wonderful pieces of art work which by the photos you can see how involved the process is. I'm used to running over to the fabric store to purchase my lace by the yard but this type of lace work is priceless!! At one time, she raised her own silk worms for threads but has since given up on that.
Bobbin lacing has been around since the 1500's and continues to be passed on by this very talented and dedicated artist!

This fan was created using 137 bobbins laid out at one time, however, Penny mentioned she is working on anywhere from 4-6 bobbins at a time. She then rotates to the next batch. It took about a year to complete this fan.

These are an old set of Bobbins made out of bone with spangles on the end which helps stabilize the bobbins.

It can take up to 1 hour to produce 1/2" of lace.