Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Duveneck Art show Pics

This is the booth I was shared with fellow artist Angie B., who is a mixed media jewelry artist. The weather was 65 degrees and a bit chilly. We had a steady flow of people all afternoon and a few sales. The best part was the feedback from the public. Comments regarding my work ranged from being twisted to whimsical. Twisted was a first for me!

This is toward the end of the show when everyone was breaking down.

This is the view from our booth

This is also the view from the park. The city across the Ohio River is Cincinnati. We were in Northern Kentucky.

Over all , the show was good. It was a Fine Art Show and lots of awards were given.


stregata said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures - hope the show was successful for you! They are such alot of work.

mycuriousteaparty said...

Great pictures, thank you for a peek at Cincinnati looks as if it's a huge city... You can tell I don't get out often, just stuck in my little corner of Essex miles from anywhere..

I hope you made enough sales to cover your costs and a bit for more supplies of course.

~ Julie

Carla Trujillo said...

Renate - The shows are alot of work!!! I went into this show with no expectations and came home feeling pretty good about my day! However, I had a hard time getting the chill out of my bones from the cool weather.

Are you curious about me? - Thanks for stopping in!! Cincinnati is a fairly large conservative city.