Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Watcher

I have toyed with the idea of layering blocks for a while and this is was the results. Sometimes I get caught up in wanting to keep the body proportionate and that kind of keeps me inside the box. Staying within the box is an area you are familiar and comfortable with. It's kind of like a safety zone and after a while it becomes routine that eventually leads to boredom!

So, to combat that feeling I go get inspired by other artists work that I really like and start pushing myself outside the box. I constantly struggle with that darn box!!!!!   


p said...

this works for me. its fun and forces my eye into so many directions. good balance too. i've never been attracted to dolls before, and you have got me :)

Hopemore Studio said...

Oh those eyes!!! The Watcher is a good name for that one. Great design, I think you are pushing yourself a bit more all the time and I enjoy watching the progression.


Cody Goodin said...

I agree that you have grown a great deal over the past few years as an artist. You are finding your own way. It is good to draw inspiration from other artists but, don't loose yourself in their way.

Carla Trujillo said...

Paula - You need to play with dolls more often! Thanks for the feedback!

Angie - Thanks

Cody - Growth is a good thing!

p said...

you do it so well i'll leave it to you. heck i barely have room to do what i'm doing period! :)

Regina Piroska (Gina) said...

Hello ... i have been reading you a little while and i must say i really am enjoying ... love your work ... this one ... 'the watcher' was a perfect opportunity to let you know as i have been 'watching ' for a little while ...

>> Gina

Carla Trujillo said...

Hello Gina,

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words!!